Finding the Right Help in the UK

It's a daunting task often to have to approach anyone about personal matters such as many legal issues tend to be about. So trying to gauge the best firms using the usual tactics such as word of mouth or online reviews is even more of a challenge. To help better understand how to research UK law firms and the information/reviews available to people on the web we've created a range of editorial articles related to many firms. Large or small, specialist or general:

Landlord Eviction Solicitor in Southport, Lancs: They want the veteran 'loophole finder' in their corner (despite the fact that is rarely how people get out of speeding tickets). The Law Society of England & Wales has an amazing amount of https: person 93290 sarah-natalie-rostamlou-andrews" ...

Cook Law in Wirral: You will need a law firm authorised to work in Scotland for Scottish cases, Northern Ireland for NI cases, and Republic of Ireland for ROI cases. class="infoquote "Cook Legal is a Wirral law firm. They handled a wide range of services and if you wanted something do...

TWB Probate Solicitors Ltd: But could your loved ones end up having to foot the bill for your penny-pinching later on? First issue to cover is that there are not just two options - i.e. Some not always very transparent about what they are providing. This mean you can also use the Law Society site...

Brodies Solicitors LLP: Nearly three quarters of people ticked that they prefer to see case studies by a firm before deciding to use them . Although Brodies is essentially a Scottish firm of solicitors with offices in Aberdeen, Edinburgh, Glasgow, and Inverness - they also list office locations ...

PCS Legal Conveyancing: Which is why we absolutely recommend reading through the comments themselves rather than relying on star ratings when it comes to legal services. But always keep alert on where you are and what you're typing.. class="infoquote "Our property lawyers have extensive le...

Dispute Resolver Consultancy: The versions for each are also not in use. They often need the name of the town they are based in as well before they will show extra details. But it's best to speak to an expert about your specific case to work out which will be the best course for you . We've see...

CWJ Solicitors & Notaries: We even see firms claiming to be a mixture of expectations such as large firms claiming a 'family-run feel' or multi-practice firms claiming to be 'specialists'. Sometimes over a simple official looking email which stated the bank details had suddenly changed. class=...

Baker Hardman Ltd: While many firms provide customer testimonials on their website, most people tend to ignore them. Compare that with the abundance of legal professionals waiting to help you online, and the change is astounding. Both of the firms official sites are HTTPS secure for...

Solidaire Law Ltd: One positive benefit of the internet has been the rise in specialist law firms . Be aware that the firm's official site is and the .com does not redirect you there. The opening lines from their website include: class="infoquote "Why Choose ...

Defank Solicitors Croydon: It is really important to note exactly where you should be going and the official details of the firm you choose because there is so much fraud at the moment targeting clients of property lawyers. It's the person taking the case that's most important to you. Ancient foundi...

Large & Gibson Solicitors: We are dedicated to providing the highest quality legal advice and expertise for our clients, but in a way that's far friendlier, more accessible and clear-talking than you might expect from a law firm."< div> That's the brief explanation on each firm's pages. Most of...

HCR Law Solicitors: class="infoquote "As an award winning Top 60 UK law firm we provide the full range of services that you would expect to organisations, business leaders and individuals."< div> One great resource we always recommend to people is the website of The Law Society of...

Horsley Holdings Ltd: They also state (at the time of writing): class="infoquote "99% trials won. class="infoquote "For a free and confidential discussion about your claim complete the short contact form."< div> A quick note on navigation. However, while that is still g...

Law Solicitors: The firm has some testimonials included on their website. class="infoquote "Our Client's are our number one priority."< div> The most common check people do when researching a service provider is the prior customer reviews. For example, if you https: solicitor...

Eve Lake Conveyancing: Be aware though, in either case, most mortgage lenders will only deal with certain conveyancers and solicitors https: " on their panel< a>. These are usually a lower cost option compared to a conveyancing solicitor. There's a distinct differenc...

Amy King Solicitor: Watch out for firms that use marketing jargon. We've covered the legal industry for over twenty years now. https: person 6540 amy-jane-king" In this case< a> you can see Amy King qualified in 1995. class="infoquote "We represent...

Heritage Park Family Law: Since the explosion of the internet, we are now a good few decades away from people being forced to use the law firm on their local high street. So what can you do to tell them apart? First big difference is to determine whether the firm actually has some real exper...

McCarthy and Co Solicitors: class="infoquote "we bring over 30 years of sterling legal experience to each of our cases"< div> . Even this quote above from the McCarthy & Co site about being award-winners is a claim made by so many of its rivals. They are not the be-all and end-all of importan...

Oakwood Property Solicitors: But while these terms sound wonderful, they are not really helpful for consumers in their search to tell firms apart. Oakwood clearly have a wide range of experience covering almost the last five decades. However, you need to be extra careful online these day...

A.C.S.L. Solicitors: So how can you tell the actual experience levels within a firm if founding dates are meaningless? That's actually quite easy if you live in England and Wales. Other common sales phrases many use include 'we are a modern firm', 'friendly staff', and 'very experienced'....

Sternberg Reed Solicitors: However we always recommend reading the actual comments when it comes to law firm reviews rather than flicking through star ratings. But the most common way people confirm about a company's 'exceptional customer service' is by checking the independent review boards such as ...

Eatons Solicitors Ltd: But it doesn't sound as grand put that way. That was even before Covid pushed it further in that direction. You can't just look up overall reviews. . So are you at the mercy of bright web pages, well-crafted sales pitches, and photos of people in suits (all smiling an...

WYM Legal Solicitors: The official site we link to above is and does not currently redirect there. Unlike most other organisations, this one provides a wealth of information on any firm registered with it. This makes it tricky for people to use star ratings t...

Thomas & Thomas Solicitors: Certainly those are dates for which the firm can reasonably claim both 'experience' and 'fresh ideas'. We've even seen people from the other side of the transaction leaving negative reviews on the buyer seller's solicitors which never< u> happens in other areas of law such ...

Wolf Law Ltd: We have no idea why someone wouldn't call the law firm to check, but that's what happens. This is usually as a percentage of any compensation recovered. However, if the second firm only gets you half the compensation the first would have obtained - you'll have lost out. 'wo...

SG Murphy & Co Ltd: Those are all great things to be as a law firm, but certainly there are no firms claiming to be the opposite. "< div> . For today's article we're looking at SG Murphy Solicitors in Northern Ireland who describe themselves as: class="infoquote "... At this point if...

Walker Foster Ltd: That's more rare than you might expect. A quick note on navigation. a long-established and respected general practice law firm founded in 1919, with offices in Skipton, Barnoldswick, Silsden, Settle, Ilkley, Northallerton and Harrogate."< div> at the top of their...

Harrisons Thames Valley Solicitors LLP: It will take you less than 30 seconds to have looked up that information but armed with these kinds of details you'll be able to tell important differences beyond the glossy pages of the various websites. class="infoquote "Harrison's Solicitors know the importance ...

Girlings Personal Injury Claims Ltd: When searching for information on Google these days you may need to enter a specific location such as 'girlings solicitors ashford' otherwise reviews and other local business details will not pop up. In between those extremes you can also have larger firms with each indi...

UVS Law Ltd: Each category has different requirements and eligibility criteria, and the application process may vary depending on the type of visa being sought. Spouse Fiancee) and Leave to Remain, and Investors such as Innovator Founder and Entrepreneur Visas. For a barrister this can b...

Kee Solicitors Family Law: All firms will say they have these qualities. A couple of decades ago, a Family Law specialist practice such as Kee Solicitors would have been incredibly rare. We have one niche firm on our network handling only life-changing injury claims and another that only repres...

Waterstone PS: But as mentioned above this firm is typically branded as 'Waterstone Partnership Solicitors' with their official site at which is https secure. This can be incredibly useful because there are a lot of sneaky ways some firms can use to make it soun...

Mark Croft Motor Offence: However, if you see phrasing such as '20 years of combined experience' or '20 years of experience within the firm' - that means they've added up the experience of all staff members together. For some reason, the buyer doesn't bother checking up on this before transferrin...

EMD Law Solicitors: That's not for the same reason many of you stated in our poll last year - i.e. For personal injury matters, your whole case will likely be free under a no win, no fee agreement. We tend not to quote any provided testimonials in these articles. Please note that even if you se...

Lyons Law: Today's article focuses on the law firm Lyons Solicitors based in Bristol. The age of the logo is not important. You could get a 1-year qualified lawyer from a 200-year-old firm, or a 40-year veteran from a 1-year-old firm. Lyons do this as well, but the majority of people (...

Brian Barr Ltd: class="infoquote "Specialists in serious, catastrophic and brain injury claims"< div> For the website of Brian Barr Solicitors it's easier to distinguish this because they really only handle these types of cases. So how do you tell them apart? For exam...

Frei Solicitors Ltd: This is where being a niche firm can sometimes cause an issue. While they are all clearly positive, they are also very few in number. Just always watch out and be careful online as https: articles online-scams" there are always scammers< a> looking t...

Drummond and Miller Solicitors: Having worked in this industry for over 20+ years, please don't take it as hyperbole when we say - that's an amazing score for a firm that deals in property. It's a resource we constantly recommend to people . The official website follows the firm's name so www.drummondmil...

Calio Claims by Lindsays: It's just that the Calio Claims branding team focus solely on Personal Injury matters. But, no-win-no-fee is not the same thing as 100% compensation . A 1 star review with no comment left should be ignored in our opinion. Being aware of what you're typing and what site you'...

EDC Lord Solicitors: Each section includes detailed information about the relevant legal issues, along with case studies that illustrate the firm's experience and expertise in each area. There is also a frequently asked questions (FAQ) section that addresses common questions and concerns clien...

Nicholson Jones Sutton Solicitors Ltd: That will also give you a better idea of any themes - positive or negative. If a firm says something like 'established in 1881' - that's merely a reference to how long their brand name has been around. The firm actually has way more experience than a lot of others. '...

Cullimore Dutton Solicitors Ltd: However you can easily end up with a 1-year qualified novice from a 200-year old firm, and a 40-year veteran lawyer from a 1-year old firm. The site is also https secure for submitting contact details via their online form. But how can you know if they are right for you bey...

The Law Partnership Ltd: There are already enough of them about and you've most likely arrived at our site because you've seen a post of ours offering more information about actual firms and help articles. If we https: organisation people 592124 the-law-partnership-c...

Wilford Smith: This one from the Wilford Smith site is very clear , indicating that they have been serving clients for over 40 years. You will also have to https: office 605433 ws-strategic-ltd" look up that name< a> if researching the firm on The Law Socie...

Foster & Coleman Solicitors: class="infoquote "Legal advice you can depend on, from people you can trust"< div> A quick note on navigation considering the alternate firms that kept popping up during our researching. Be aware that ampersands can't exist in website URls so www.foster&...

Wildcat Law Solicitors: Today's article is on the legal firm Wildcat Law as there are a few things we can point out about this firm that might help you generally when seeking a legal professional to assist you with your case. So what can? class="infoquote "When reviewing the performance ...

LS Legal Solicitors: We did notice much of the praise related to Immigration matters which seems to be a root specialty of the firm. These days you can find a solicitor specialising in anything from Criminal Law to Housing Disrepair. We very rarely push out direct advice in our articles but we h...

A City Law Firm: That's very different to a firm having a 10 or 15 year experienced lawyer on staff. We ran a poll a few years back which stated only 8% of you trusted company provided testimonials. Their organisation provides an excellent range of user side data which is sadly not mirrored ...

Buchanan & Co Solicitors Ltd: So certainly their claims of decades of experience are well backed up . However every firm we add to our network goes through various checks which we often write about, because much of the things we do can be helpful for any potential client in their search. If you've been ...

Goldsmith Bowers Solicitors Ltd: We did notice negative reviews for this company online but they seemed to be the same one copy pasted onto each forum. The idea being that the older the firm, the more experienced it is. class="infoquote "Our team of industry experts have been brought together to c...

Guardian Law Ltd: So make sure you are always on the correct site and never discuss payment details via email. Almost obsessed. class="infoquote "our specialist employment lawyers can advise and represent you"< div> Today's article is on Guardian Law, an Employment Law speciali...

Backhouse Solicitors Ltd: But because Backhouse Solicitors have NOT make a fuss about it. A decent mix of seasoned professionals with young blood which you'd hope to see in any professional services firm. Without devaluing their acheivement, we should point out why this is unusual. We would have th...

WH Law Ltd: It's not enough to just say you are a specialist. class="infoquote "Unfortunately immigrating to the UK is not simple. The firm's official website is but is for a completely different firm. It may be a phrase we dislike res...

2 Harcourt Chambers: We've been working in this industry for over 20 years now and have seen a huge amount of progress and changes. However before we get into that, we should probably share the opening line of this particular chambers' website. class="infoquote "We welcome instruc...

MJV Law Solicitors: The first is simple. The Facebook reviews were a bit disorganised and not matching up with the star ratings. The branding is mostly 'MJV Solicitors' but the official site is not (which currently has no site on it). That's well o...

Bridge McFarland Solicitors: class="infoquote "The firm ... The negative ones all seemed to relate to delays in a house purchase. 8 staff x 5 years experience = 40). That's a good mix of seasoned heads with fresh eyes . The first means the firm or the solicitor within the firm has been going for...

Woodstock Legal Services Ltd: They include direct contact information and work history details of each staff member which is perfect. So, do the independent review boards reflect this positivity? class="infoquote "our chain was fairly complicated but Kerry was highly knowledgeable" "very profe...

The Lady Barrister: However for barristers there simply isn't as much publicly available information. We try to make sure you know about the different types of legal help you can get in your area including the typical high street solicitor but also things like will writers and accountants that ...

Summerfield Browne: class="infoquote "We are a modern and progressive law firm, and operate a new legal services business model"< div> Unfortunately this statement on the Summerfield Browne website is one that you'll probably have already seen on a dozen others you've flicked throu...

Thaxted Legal Immigration: Sadly the government body doesn't even provide a good advisor search function and when trying to look up a firm there is a mountain of reading involved just to find the link to take you to the page that takes you to the link that takes you to the search box etc. But Immigrat...

Smith & Graham Solicitors: But the main thing we want to cover in this piece relates to: class="infoquote "We pride ourselves on our level of client service, constantly striving to ensure our clients expectations are satisfied by our team of legal experts."< div> Conversely this may sound...

Brown & Co Solicitors: All that said, we'll give the firm one last pitch-y quote on this page: class="infoquote "We aim to provide practical solutions to real-life problems."< div>. Plus dozens of review pages both monitored and unmonitored. class="infoquote "Brown and Co Solicitors ...

Mac Jones Solicitors: That's because there isn't much else for them to say. Sadly we've seen many other firms focus more on the social side of things by stating each staff member's pets, hobbies, and even favourite foods. in public as they are about the local pizza place. Obviously we've ad...

Hill House Chambers Barristers: they are qualified to ... For the case types they handle this isn't too much a concern. Hill House Chambers have been recommended across our network for some time now so, as we do with many firms, we'd like to give a few insights into things that stood out to us about a firm...

Stowe Family Law Solicitors: The official firm name actually does have those generic industry terms of 'family law' in it, but search engines seem to return the correct firm without them e.g. Some firms have very little writing with massive images of people shaking hands and smiling. We always recommen...

LRose Law Ltd: On that last one: class="infoquote "Specialising in: ... None of the variants we tried such as or seemed to be owned by the firm. Another resource to help with this is one we frequently recommend in our articles - The Law Socie...

Bellax Solicitors: Bell Lax don't do this, which is probably just as well because in our poll last year only 8% of you said you trusted company-provided testimonials. Despite all three statements seeming to indicate 30 years of 'something' - it is only the second statement that is a real indic...

JPS Walker Solicitors: This is often referred to as a 'conditional fee' arrangement and will typically be around 25% of your settlement. So despite there being a long list of types of injuries, covering them all still counts as a specialised area of law. That's because whilst people are more than...

The Legal Practice Solicitors: Indeed at the time of writing this, The Legal Practice's website opens with: class="infoquote "Over 50 Years of Legal Experience. This seems to be an actual goal or at least a point of pride for the firm because we also saw this statement on their website: class=...

Young & Co Solicitors: So any firm that still works with Legal Aid gets a few extra brownie points from us . The official website for Young & Co is with being for a brewery and not having any website at all. It's just that we try to focus on more g...

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